How much does it cost to study law in the UK?

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Studying law in the UK can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, before embarking on this journey, it’s essential to consider the cost implications. Tuition fees, living expenses, and other related costs are factors that need to be taken into account. In this article, we will explore the expenses associated with studying law in the UK and provide you with a comprehensive overview.

Tuition Fees

When it comes to tuition fees, the cost of studying law in the UK can vary considerably depending on several factors. These factors include the type of institution, location, and whether you are an international student or a UK/EU student.

For UK and EU students, the tuition fees for undergraduate law programs range from £9,000 to £18,000 per year. The exact amount will depend on the university and its reputation. However, it’s important to note that these fees are subject to change, so it’s essential to check with the universities directly for the most up-to-date information.

On the other hand, international students can expect to pay higher tuition fees. The cost can range from £10,000 to £30,000 per year for undergraduate courses. Again, the specific amount will vary depending on the university and location.

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For postgraduate law programs, both UK/EU and international students can expect to pay higher fees compared to undergraduate courses. The fees for postgraduate law degrees range from £10,000 to £20,000 per year for UK/EU students and can go up to £35,000 per year for international students.

Living Expenses

In addition to tuition fees, it’s crucial to consider living expenses when studying law in the UK. These expenses include accommodation, food, transportation, and personal costs.

The cost of accommodation can vary significantly depending on the location and type of accommodation. On-campus accommodation provided by universities is often the most convenient but can be more expensive. Off-campus options such as renting a flat or sharing a house with other students can be more affordable. On average, students can expect to spend around £600 to £1,200 per month on accommodation.

As for food, the cost will depend on personal preferences and dietary needs. On average, students can budget around £150 to £250 per month for groceries and eating out occasionally.

Transportation costs will vary depending on the location of your university and your daily commute. UK cities generally have excellent public transportation networks, which can help keep costs down. Students should budget around £40 to £100 per month for transportation.

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Other personal expenses, such as books, stationery, social activities, and personal care products, should be budgeted for as well. It’s advisable to allocate around £200 to £300 per month for these miscellaneous expenses.

Scholarships and Financial Support

Studying law in the UK can be costly, but there are various scholarships and financial support options available to help ease the financial burden.

Many universities offer scholarships and bursaries specifically for law students. These scholarships can be merit-based or need-based and can significantly reduce your tuition fees or provide financial assistance for living expenses.

In addition to university scholarships, there are external scholarships and funding opportunities available. Organizations such as the British Council and the Chevening Scholarships offer financial support to international students based on academic excellence or other criteria.

It’s important to research and apply for these scholarships well in advance as the application deadlines and eligibility criteria may vary.


Studying law in the UK is a significant investment, both in terms of time and money. However, by carefully considering the tuition fees, living expenses, and available financial support options, you can plan and budget accordingly.

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Remember to check with the specific universities for the most accurate and up-to-date information on tuition fees. Researching and applying for scholarships can also help alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with studying law in the UK.

Ultimately, the cost of studying law in the UK is a worthwhile investment in your education and future career prospects. With careful planning and financial management, you can embark on this exciting journey and pursue your passion for law.

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